Monday, November 24, 2008

There Comes a Time...

When no matter how darn cute the little ones are...

with all their paraphernalia...

that seems to have...

no end in sight...

and some of which...

you just get plain sick of seeing, to be perfectly honest...

that ya just hafta take a break! The big kids love the little kids, but there is a definite difference of opinion when it comes to what the older kids find amusing vs. what the younger ones find amusing.

You can get amazing deals on hotels at priceline dot com. We take advantage of the bidding option a couple times a year, and manage to stay at super-nice hotels quite inexpensively.

One of the other foster moms offered to provide respite care for Baby T. and Mister D. got to spend the weekend with his older siblings at their home. Gabe camped out with Kim and Chass, with cousin Emily covering the sleeping hours. This gave Tom and I the chance to spend time with Savannah, Bucky and Preston having fun in Toledo.

Savannah prepares for a belly-smacker.

Bucky wasn't allowed to take his cell phone, but he still managed a quick call back home to his friend Jarrod...he can't liiiiiiiiiive without talking to Jarrod, for some reason...

Preston was not at all happy with the results of the game on Saturday. I was! Go Bucks!! Sorry, Preston. Go play for the Wolverines - I will be the biggest, idiot fan that team has ever seen. I promise. Remember you said you wouldn't admit I'm your mother? That's how big of a fan I will be for you! But not unless you play for them. Until then, I am a Buckeye.

We spent the weekend eating less-than-perfectly-healthy food, watching football, cruising the mall, and watching people - all without smelling like baby milk!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys had fun!!

I'm with Pres on the Saturday game.. that stunk like moldy cheese. (: